Monday, December 1, 2008

No Shares just some updates

Ok so I have been flat for the last week and a half, visiting Display homes for Different builders and my poor mind is just spinning with plans and Dollar signs :( Its so scary doing this again but there is nothing on the market that suits us so we just have bite the bullet and build again. Enough about that!

My dad is in Hospital and let me tell you its so not nice when you get a call from your mum and she cant talk cause she is far to upset, kind of makes you realise how much ur family means to you I got so upset seeing my dad in a Hospital bed! All because he had stitches put in @ the hospital and they sent him home no drugs or antibotics! E was back there on the sunday as he could hardly move, they gave him stuff and told him to go home and rest, 5 hours later he was worse than expected and taken to hospital via the ambos.

So totally wow scary !!!!! But he is getting the best treatment now so I am hoping like crazy for a speedy recovery. I love my Dad so much and It truely broke my heart to see him hurting!

In other news I had a layout selected for publication with SC for a Quick Grabs so keep ur eyes peeled when issue 66 comes out (bout May 09)

Ok be good and take care and please remember to always be in touch with loved ones cause you never know when you could have a scare like I did.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please pass on that I am thinking about your Mum and Dad. You are so correct, they might be a pain sometimes but family is everything. Hey where abouts are you looking at building..