Sunday, March 8, 2009

WooHoo Shares

Sorry its been awhile all is well here I think apast from the kids really trying their luck and pushing the limits. Im am over the weather its driving me insane, there has been no start on our house yet but heres hoping in the next week or so it all gets started. I am booked in for my new Tattoo in in July still not 100% what I am getting I have a fare idea but just need to refine the details.
Other then that I have some time now to scrap which is great cause I really need it to space out from the kids etc.
enjoy the shares

1 comment:

Rhonda Bates said...

Hey Kristy, am loving these los. All in such different styles and really effective to boot. Haven't got much done apart from the los for Sandra but am hopeful to scrap this week. Kendall and Wade just got home from the Brock super experience where they start up the cars etc. Kendall got to rev up the 1983 Brock car and Wade reckons he do it like a pro...
have a great week.